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Hon. Adrian Benepe
New York City Parks and Recreation Commissioner
(Photograph: Courtesy of Manhattan Times)
The Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights and Inwood is proud to support a variety of events. The following is a showcase of some notable programs:

Breakfast Meeting with the Commissioner of New York City Parks and Recreation
Commissioner Adrian Benepe was our featured guest discussing the City's plans for the local parks in our community.

Breakfast Meeting on Terrorism Preparedness
Commissioner Ray Kelly was our featured guest discussing the work and plans of the New York City Police Department to combat terrorism.

Hon. Scott Stringer
Manhattan Borough President
(Photograph: Courtesy of Manhattan Times)

Presentation from Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer
Borough President Scott Stringer addressed our membership on his vision for Manhattan and his specific plans in working with our Washington Heights and Inwood communities.

Promotional Activities with NYC & Company
The Chamber, in concert with Coogan's restaurant, worked directly with NYC & Company to promote Washington Heights and Inwood local restaurants and attractions. The effort was so successful that NYC & Company singled out Upper Manhattan as part of their "Taste of the Boroughs" program.

Captain Dowling
Commanding Officer, 33rd Precinct
(Photograph: Courtesy of Manhattan Times)

Cocktail Parties Introducing Local Police Commanders
These social events provided an opportunity for local business professionals to interface with the newly appointed police commanders as well as our local elected officials who also attended.

Workforce Preparation and Job Creation Workshop
Speakers from NYC Works Jobs Conexion talked about workforce preparation with a particular focus on opportunities for the Latino community.

Con Edison Preparedness
Management from Con Edison spoke on their preparation plans for excessive electrical power consumption during the summer months.

Tree and Flower-Bed Plantings
(Photograph: Courtesy of Rita Kardeman)

Tree and Flower-Bed Plantings
The Chamber worked directly with the New York City of Parks and Recreation Department to plant trees and the New York Restoration Project to plant flower beds throughout the community. The Chamber also was responsible for installing tree guards at various locations.

"Discovering Northern Manhattan" Guidebook
The Chamber created and published a guidebook featuring the many attractions in our diverse neighborhoods to encourage tourism and demonstrate the business vitality of our community.

Coogan's Salsa, Blues and Shamrocks 5k Run
(Photograph: Courtesy of Manhattan Times)


Coogan's Salsa, Blues and Shamrocks 5K Run
This yearly event is supported by the Chamber in raising funds for youth activities in the community.

Workshop on Clean Indoor Air for Restaurants and Bar Owners
The Assistant Commissioner for Tobacco Control of the New York City Department of Health presented the requirements for compliance with new anti-smoking laws. The Director of the Coalition for a Smoke-Free city also presented.