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The Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights and Inwood was originally incorporated in 1921. For over 80 years, we have worked to benefit our community.

Our membership includes many small to mid-sized businesses, from restaurants to retail operations, as well as major corporations, including Verizon, Time Warner Cable and all the large banks in the vicinity. In addition, we count not-for-profit institutions among our active members. This includes New York Presbyterian Hospital, Isabella Geriatric Center, Columbia University Medical Center, Yeshiva University and The Port Authority.

The Chamber was the driving force in establishing the 181st Street Business Improvement District (BID) and the Washington Heights and Inwood Development Corporation (WHIDIC). Both these organizations contribute to the economic growth of our area.

In addition to special events and programs, the Chamber regularly holds meetings bringing information to our members and community leaders. We invite active participation and encourage that the voices of our membership be heard in open forums.