As a service to our communities, the Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights and Inwood is proud to provide the following directory of cultural organizations, institutions and restaurants for both visitors and residents to our area.
Cultural Institutions and Notable Destinations
American Academy of Arts and Letters
Audubon Terrace
633 West 155th Street
212 368-5900
Baker Field of Columbia University
218th Street, west of Broadway
212 854-2546
Cloisters Museum
Part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fort Tryon Park
212 923-3700
Dyckman Farmhouse
4881 Broadway
212 304-9422
The Hispanic Society of America
Audubon Terrace
613 West 155th Street
212 926-2234
Inwood Hill Nature Center
Inwood Park at 218th Street and Indian Road
212 304-2365
Loew's 175th Street Theater
Corner of 175th Street and Broadway
212 568-6700
Morris-Jumel Mansion
65 Jumel Terrace
212 923-8008
National Track and Field Hall of Fame at the Armory
216 Fort Washington Avenue
212 923-1803 Ext. 11
Saint Frances X. Cabrini Shrine
701 Fort Washington Avenue
212 923-3536
Trinity Cemetery
Broadway between 153rd and 155th Streets
212 368-1600
YM/YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood
54 Nagle Avenue
New York, NY 10040
212 569-6200
Healthcare Institutions
Isabella Geriatric Center
515 Audubon Avenue
212 342-9200
New York Presbyterian Hospital,
The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
622 West 168th Street
212 305-2500
Higher Education Institutions
Boricua College
Audubon Terrace
3755 Broadway
212 694-1000
Columbia University Medical Center
630 West 168th Street
212 854-1754
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
212 960-5400
Community Based Organizations
605 West 158th Street, NYC 10032
212 923-3872
Services Offered: Self-improvement lectures, workshops & seminars, ESL & "Mission Homeless" (program which provides food and clothing to the homeless all year long).
Alianza Dominicana
2410 Amsterdam Avenue, NYC 10033
212 740-1960
Fax: 212 740-1967
Services Offered : Substance abuse treatment for pregnant Woman, dropout prevention, employment training.
Asociacion de Mujeres Progresistas
260 Audubon Avenue, Suite 104, NYC 10033
Services Offered : Orientation and assistance in housing, education,Domestic violence and women advocacy.
Audubon Partnership for Economic Development LDC
513 W. 207 th St., NYC 10034
212 544-2400
Fax: 212 544-0248
Services Offered: Micro loans and small business assistance, commercial revitalization and planning, family day care training, community technology center.
Catholic Charities
652 West 187th Street - 2nd Floor, NYC 10033
212 795-6860
Fax: 212 928-4351
Services Offered: Counseling and Advocacy, Social Service and Case Management.
Community Association of Progressive Dominicans (ACDP)
Victor Morisete, 3940 Broadway, 2 nd Fl, NYC I0032
Fax: 212 927-6089
Services Offered: Adult education and English as a second language, GED, After-school program, Health Clinic.
Community League of the Heights
508 West 159th Street, NYC 10032
212 795-4779
Fax: 212 740-5037
Services Offered: Block improvement, recreation and education, Assistance for children, basic adult education, Food Pantry (1-3 pm).
Dominican Community Service Center, Inc.
271 Fort Washington Avenue, NYC 10032
718 537-8943
Services Offered: Education, Housing, Immigration Problems, Advocacy Homeless Families, Referral
Dominican Foundation Culturarte of New York
260 Audubon Ave, NYC 10033
212 928-8100
Fax: 212 928-8200
Email: [email protected]
Services Offered: Dance, Poetry and Art
Dominican Women's Development Center
519 West 189 th Street Ground Floor, NYC 10040
212 994-6060
Fax: 212 994-6065
Email: [email protected]
Services Offered: English as a second language and general preventive programs
Esperanza Center
502 West 165th Street, NYC 10032
Fax: 212 740-2053
Services Offered: Language and job training. Social Service Program and visits to the elderly: Advocacy services.
Inwood Community Services
651 Academy Street-2nd Floor, NYC 10034
Fax: 212 567-9476
Services Offered: Mental Health Clinic, tutoring, employment and recreation, parole, substance abuse.
JEM Community Service Center, Inc.
454 Ft. Wash Ave, #65, NYC 10033
Fax: 212 928-0854
Services Offered: Provides; community services, information & referrals, social services, housing education & social welfare.
New Heights Neighborhood Center Inc.
216 Fort Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor, NYC 10032
Fax: 212 781-6892
Services Offered: Employment development for youth, Job readiness, Computer Courses, GED.
Northern Man. Coalition for Immigrants Rights
West 182 nd Street, NYC 10033
781-0355 x665
Fax: 212 781-0943
Services Offered: Immigration assistance, and citizenship requirement classes.
Northern Man. Improvement. Corp.
76 Wadsworth Avenue, NYC 10033
212 568-9166
Fax: 212 928-4180
Services Offered: Legal services, social services, community and tenant organizing, housing development, workforce development, and weatherization.
RENA COA Multi-Service Center
1920 Amsterdam Avenue, NYC 10032
212 368-3295/6
Fax: 212 491-2793
Services Offered: Tutorials and recreation for children, Adult education, senior citizen's club, etc.
Safe Horizon
Crime: 212-577-7777
Domestic Violence 1 (800) 621-HOPE (4673)
Sexual Assault & Incest: 212 227-3000
September 11th Support: 1 (866) 689-HELP (4357)
Services Offered: Counseling for crime victims, domestic violence and elder abuse.
Technology Learning Center (The Armory)
216 Ft. Washington Avenue, NYC 10032
212 923-1803 x.27
Services Offered: Provides ESL, GED and computer classes
Wash. Heights - Inwood Coalition
652 West 187th Street, NYC I0033
Fax: 212 740-8509
Services Offered: Organize tenants of buildings. Assist in mediation of Disputes. Offers youth programs, parent education and parent counseling services.
W.H./Inwood Development Corporation
Dennis Reeder 57 Wadsworth Avenue, NYC 10033
212 795-1600
Fax: 212 781-4051
Services Offered: Business loans, provides community development services in commercial/industrial revitalization, Medieval Festival at Ft. Tryon Park, special projects.
YM/YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood
54 Nagle Avenue
New York, NY 10040
212 569-6200
Services offered: Children's, youth and elderly services, adult/cultural, summer day camp, senior center, Meals on Wheels, home care, escort services, Friendly Visiting.
Senior Centers
ARC FT. Washington Senior Center
4111 Broadway, (entrance on 174 th St.) NYC 10033
212 781-5700
Fax: 212 781-5701
Church on the Hill Senior Program
2005 Amsterdam Avenue, NYC 10032
212 781-6580
Fax: 212 543-1773
Dyckman Senior Center
3754 Tenth Avenue, NYC 10034
212 569-7790
Fax: 212 304-2173
Ft. Tryon Nursing Home
801 West 190 th Street, NYC 10040
212 923-2530
Fax: 212 543-6430
Ft. Wash Houses Senior Ctr
99 Ft. Wash. Avenue, NYC 10032
212 927-5600
Fax: 212 927-5612
Isabella Geriatric Center
515 Audubon Avenue, NYC. 10040
212 781-9800
Fax: 212 781-9823
J. Hood Wright Recreation Ctr.
351 Ft. Washington Ave. NYC 10033
212 927-1514
Fax: 212 928-6086
Mary McLeod Bethune Senior Center
1970 Amsterdam Ave., NYC 10032
212 568-6933
Fax: 212 795-2805
Moriah Older Adult Luncheon Club
90 Bennett Avenue NYC 10033
212 923-5715
RAIN Inwood Senior Ctr.
84 Vermilyea Avenue, NYC 10034
212 567-3200
Fax: 212 942-4776
RENA-COA Senior Center
1920 Amsterdam Ave., NYC 10032
212 368-3295/6
Fax: 212 491-2793
Selfhelp, Inc.
717 West 177 th Street, NYC 10033
212 781-7200
Fax: 212 795-0940
Senior Health Partners
105 East 106 th Street, NYC 10029
212 360-0067
Fax: 212 360-1121
Seniors Helping Seniors
600 West168 th Street, NYC 10032
Fax: 212 795-3606
STAR Senior Center
West 187 th Street, NYC 10033
212 781-8331 650
Fax: 212 781-7496
St. Spyridon Church Seniors (HANAC)
124 Wadsworth Avenue, NYC 10033
212 795-5870
Fax: 212 795-5108
YM/YWHA Senior Center
54 Nagle Avenue, NYC 10040
212 569-5271
WHI/Preservation & Restoration Corp.
Senior Services Program
121 Bennett Avenue, NYC 10033
212 568-5450
Fax: 928-3059
Houses of Worship — Churches
Washington Heights Seventh Day Adventist Church
511 West 166th Street
Phone: 212 781-2125
Armenian Church
Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church
580 West 187th Street
Phone: 212 927-4020
Baptist First Spanish Baptist Church
96 Wadsworth Avenue
Phone: 212 568-3868 Wadsworth Avenue Baptist Church
210 Wadsworth Avenue
Phone: 212 923-7660
Non-Denominational Christian
Manhattan Bible Church
401 West 205th Street
Phone: 212 567-2276
Church of the Intercession
550 West 155th Street
Phone: 212 283-6200
Holyrood Episcopal Church
715 West 179th Street
Phone: 212 923-3770
Greek Orthodox
St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church
124 Wadsworth Avenue
Phone: 212 795-5870
Jehovah's Witness
Assembly Hall
609 West 161st Street
Phone: 212 928-7406 Lutheran
Our Savior's Atonement Lutheran Church
178 Bennett Avenue
Phone: 212 923-5757
Broadway Temple - United Methodist Church
4111 Broadway
Phone: 212 928-1200 Church on the Hill
975 St Nicholas Avenue
Phone: 212 928-2324
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
1815 Riverside Drive
Phone: 212 567-3321
Mount Calvary Church
465 West 162nd Street
Phone: 212 781-7665 Presbyterian
Fort George Presbyterian Church
1525 Saint Nicholas Avenue
Phone: 212 568-7374 Reform Church in America
Fort Washington Collegiate Church
729 West 181st Street
Tel: 212-568-4014
Roman Catholic
Church of the Good Shepherd
608 Isham Street
Phone: 212 567-1300 Church of the Incarnation
1290 St. Nicholas Avenue
Phone: 212 927-7474
Church of St. Jude
431 West 204th Street
Phone: 212 569-3000
Our Lady of Esperanza Church
624 West 156th Street
Phone: 212 283-4340
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
91 Arden Street
Phone: 212 567-2637
St. Elizabeth's Church
268 Wadsworth Avenue
Phone: 212 568-8803
St. Rose of Lima Church
510 West 165th Street
Phone: 212 568-0091
United Christian Evangelical
Christ United Church
4140 Broadway
Phone: 212 568-6700
Houses of Worship — Synagogues
Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagodol
610 West 175th Street
Phone: 212 927-6000
Congregation K'hal Adath Jeshurun
85 Bennett Avenue
Phone: 212 923-3582
Congregation Shaare Hatikvah
711 West 179th Street
Phone: 212 927-2720 Mount Sinai Jewish Center
135 Bennett Avenue
Phone: 212 568-1900
Washington Heights Congregation
815 West 179th Street
Phone: 212 923-4407
Fort Tryon Jewish Center
524 Fort Washington Avenue
Phone: 212 795-1391
Inwood Hebrew Congregation
111 Vermilyea Avenue
Phone: 212 569-4010
Beth Am, The People's Temple
551 Fort Washington Avenue
Phone: 212 928-6030
Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation
551 Fort Washington Avenue
Phone: 212 568-8304
107 West
Tex-Mex Cuisine
811 West 187th Street
Between Fort Washngton and Pinehurst Avenue
212 923-3311
3795 10 th Avenue
At West 203rd Street
212 304-8611
Amy's Restaurant
Chinese Cuisine
586 West 207th Street
212 567-3175
Italian Cuisine
4060 Broadway
212 928-0070
The Archway
116 Pinehurst Avenue
At West 183rd Street
Hudson View Gardens Building C
212 543-9015
Billy's Original BBQ
720 West 181st Street
212 568-2074
Bleu Evolution
Italian/Mediterranean Cuisine
806 West 187th Street
Between Fort Washington Avenue and Cabrini Blvd.
212 928-6006
Broadway Munchies
4996 Broadway
Caridad Restaurant
Dominican Cuisine
4311 Broadway
212 781-0431
American cuisine
4015 Broadway
Between 168th and 169th Streets
212 929-1234
Dallas BBQ
3956 Broadway
At 166th Street
212 568-3700
Elsa La Reina Del Chicharron
Dominican Cuisine
4840 Broadway
212 304-1070
1249 St. Nicholas Avenue
212 795-3667
Empire Szechuan
Chinese cuisine
4041 Broadway
Between 170th and 171st Streets
212 568-1600
Garden Café
4961 Broadway
Near 207th Street
212 544-9480
Grandpa's Brick Oven Pizza
4973 Broadway
Near West 211th Street
212 304-1185 Hispaniola
Nuevo Latino - Asian
889 West 181st Street
At Cabrini Blvd.
212 740-5222
Il Sole
Italian Cuisine
233 Dyckman Street
Near Broadway
212 544-0406
In Vino Veritas
1202 St. Nicholas Avenue
Near West 170th Street
212 781-4900
Jesse's Place
812 West 181st Street
At Pinehurst Avenue
212 795-4168
Jimbo's Hamburger Palace
2048 Amsterdam Avenue
212 923-7300
117 Dyckman Street
212 942-9769
Indian Cuisine
603 Fort Washington Avenue
At West 187th Street
212 795-8633
Italian Cuisine
4005 Broadway
212 781-3333
La Cabana Salvadorena
4384 Broadway
At West 187th Street
212 928-7872
La Nueva Espana
Dominican Cuisine
606 West 207th Street
212 567-0500
1263 St. Nicholas Avenue
212 927-7373
La Parilla Steakhouse
Argentine Cuisine
3920 Broadway
212 543-9500
La Oaxaquena Restaurant
Mexican Cuisine
1969 Amsterdam Avenue
212 283-7752
Little Apple
537 West 207th Street
Near Sherman Avenue
212 567-8555
4141 Broadway
At West 175th Street
212 927-3812
Margot Restaurant
Dominican Cuisine
3822 Broadway
212 781-8494 Mirage
Nuevo Latino cuisine
114 Dyckman Street
At Nagle Avenue
212 304-1717
New Leaf Café
Fort Tryon Park
Nestled between the Park entrance and Cloisters
212 568-5323
Next Door
813 West 187th Street
Near Fort Washington Avenue
212 543-2111
Park Terrace Bistro
French Moroccan Cuisine
4959 Broadway
Between Isham and 207th Street
212 567-2828
Piper's Kilt
4946 Broadway
At 207th Street
212 569-7071
Plum Pomidor
4009 Broadway
Near West 168th Street
212 781-3333
Punta Cana Restaurant
3880 Broadway
212 740-0643
Rancho Jubilee
Dominican Cuisine
1 Nagle Avenue
At Broadway, Hillside Avenue at West 194th Street
212 304-0100
Sushi Yu II
Japanese Cuisine
827 West 181st Street
Near Cabrini Blvd.
212 781-8833
Tacos Nexa
Mexican Cuisine
1455 St. Nicholas Avenue
212 928-8532
Tacos Puebla
Mexican Cuisine
522 West 207th Street
212 942-1881
Taino Restaurant
Dominican Cuisine
2228 Amsterdam Avenue
212 543-9035
Taqueria Mexicana Los Angelos
Mexican Cuisine
1336 St. Nicholas Avenue
212 795-8940
Terra Café
Spanish Cuisine
7 Henshaw Street
212 567-6500
Tipico Dominicano
Dominican Cuisine
4172 Broadway
212 781-3900
X Caffe
3952 Broadway at 165th Street
212 543-1999